Sunday, April 01, 2007

Time is Short, Use it.

I was chatting with a few of the girls down at horseriding over the past week and realised a few things that could help those pursuing a lifetime of horses.

Taking Advantage of Hemispheres:
One is doing year twelve with the aim to become an Equine Vet. She commented on how the study is long (5 years) and the pay not so appealing initially. Looking at the midterm (say 10 years out of highschool - which moves quicker than you realise!) it is possible to make your input of 5 years at uni and the first few years out turn into a job you love, decent income and still some time to enjoy yourself!

On the studs I frequent there's a vet that works the breeding season here in Australia. In their mid to late twenties they haven't been out of study all that long, but in a short time (because they KNOW where they want to specialise), they have taken advantage of the two hemispheres. Our breeding season (August 1 - December 31st) they spend in Australia before soaring over to Ireland for the stud season there.

Effecitvely, they're getting twice the amount of hands on in the peak of the season in comparison to those who stay home during the quieter time of the year for a reproductive vet. Result - one who has commented on having too much money and too much time! Not that I would ever complain about that!:)

Riding Schools in Your Area:
Another I was chatting with is quite a bit younger and eager to start working in a riding school as this is where she'd spend all her time if permitted. If you discover your passion at a young age, pursue it! It'll put you largely in front of those who are still deciding in their later years of highschool/uni.

It is possible in Australia from the age of 13 to be a 'helper' at riding schools that need the extra pair of hands. They take on the horse crazy (often) girls and over the weekend have them help to tack up ponies, assist others learning about horses, pick up yards, feed horses, etc. Some, mundane tasks indeed, but why not at a young age learn about the good and bad jobs so you can ascertain if that industry is for you?

If considering this field, look into the riding schools in your area and give them a call if old enough to see what you can do to help and most importantly, learn.

"If you look back over mans path to victory, you will see it is lined with the bones of horses."

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